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Project 1 required us to produce a movie poster and develop drawing skills through a combination of self-expression, natural and man-made object drawing, & architectural lettering. Students had to capture the essence and express the genre of the film via an appropriate color palette.

For Project 2, we explored manual projected methods in architectural drawing emphasizing architectural conventions, symbols, and line quality by making many drawings on the Farnsworth House. 

The final project required us to explore augmented reality by creating a Blippar for our AD1 final presentation board. This allowed us to explore organization, content, presentation formatting and style to communicate meaning to audience effectively.

We completed 4 tutorial tasks to develop the skills we needed prior to beginning our major projects. 

Click the button to view my in-depth reflections and perspectives on my experience taking Design Communication

© Enuri Nihansa Wijesinghe 2022 

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