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Project 1 introduced basic understanding of the design principles, processes and approaches in generating ideas, developing design and translating it into form in a workshop based explorative studio. Students expressed their ideas in varying dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D) 

Project 2 required us students to collaboratively design and construct a 1: 1 scale bamboo shading structure to be displayed on campus. Here, we explored architectural elements and principles with anthropometry and ergonomics and executed it into a physical structure within 3 weeks. 

For Project 3, we had to combine our experiences with Project 1 & 2 to to create a poetic architectural representation that through sensorial experience, expresses our personal journey as a first-year student in university. We explored material use by building a 1:10 scale model of an actual structure. 

Click the button to view my in-depth reflections and perspectives on my experience taking Architectural Design I

© Enuri Nihansa Wijesinghe 2022 

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